Giving Back

Over the years I have encountered many people outside my practice, who were in need of spiritual guidance or a message from their loved ones who have passed on. I have shared and channeled messages for those people when I felt the universe guide me to do so, without asking anything in return.
There is a quote by John Bunyan that I have referenced many times: “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” To that end, I have begun offering a new type of session on a trial basis. The sessions are called PWYC or “Pay What You Can” and my hope is to reach those who would otherwise be unable to afford a session.
This new type of session will be offered on a limited basis. A session is scheduled through my website, with no upfront payment required. After the session, a client may visit my scheduling page and select a payment amount, or choose to forgo any payment.
How can I do this? I believe in karma. Whatever you give will come back to you in some way. Whatever you take will be taken from you in some way. If a potential client has the intent of taking advantage of this service and getting something for nothing, I will trust the universe to distribute karma in an appropriate manner.
Having said that, let’s see how this grand experiment goes!