Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why do you charge for your service?
A. In part, the question answers itself. Just like any other intuitive, Steven provides a service. To provide that service, he must be registered as a business. That registration is an expense. Additional operating expenses are telephone, toll-free number, website, domain name, computer, home office space and credit card processing service. Steven also spends a lot of time and effort developing his abilities and giving back to the community. Most people are not willing to do everything it takes to become an intuitive, mentally or spiritually. That is understandable. Expecting someone who provides a valuable service to do it for free is disrespectful. Would you do your job for free if your employer asked? Would you ask a doctor, lawyer, realtor or plumber to provide their services for free? Most importantly, money is energy. Everything you do to earn your money requires energy. When you pay someone for a service it is an exchange of energy. Your energy, converted to currency and exchanged for a service requiring energy from the provider.
Q. What type of session is best for me?
A. Sessions can be done several different ways and here are a few of the pros and cons of each type.
Pros: The most personal experience. An intuitive can more easily sense emotional reactions from the client, pause and offer comfort when necessary.
Cons: Fake intuitives work best in person. They can read faces and reactions, following the clients lead to tailor their responses.
Pros: Phone sessions can still have a personal feel while removing the possibility of a fake playing off of visual cues from the client.
Cons: It my be necessary to repeat or clarify statements if one side has a poor cell phone signal.
Video chat:
Pros: A more personal experience than phone sessions. An intuitive can more easily sense emotional reactions from the client, pause and offer comfort when necessary.
Cons: Choppy audio and video due to poor cell or WiFi connections can be distracting. Fake intuitives can still read faces and reactions, following the clients lead to tailor their responses.
Q. What is your refund policy?
A. Even the best intuitives are not effective every time. You and I will ill both know if, for some reason, it just isn’t working. I am here to help people with closure and comfort, guidance and peace. If your session is not effective at providing these, your money will be refunded. Refunds will not be made for cancellations less than 48 hours from the scheduled appointment time.